Tag Archives: reproductive health

Research: Medicinal Plants in Cameroon Used for Treatment

This article reports on a study of medicinal plants for reproductive health care in Cameroon and Central Africa. It documents the indigenous knowledge, pharmacological properties, and safety of 70 plant species used by traditional healers and elders for 27 reproductive ailments. It also discusses the importance of integrating traditional and modern health systems, and the need for more research and conservation of the medicinal plants.

Ecto Life: Reality or sci-fi?

Ecto Life: Reality or sci-fi? A sci-fi video published by Ecto Life went viral showing the future possibility of artificial womb. EctoLife is a hoax, despite the appearance of the future video. Hashem, a Berlin-based producer and filmmaker, created the video. Hashem has a background in molecular biology, which he uses to imagine futuristic possibilities. […]

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