Tag Archives: cameroon check

Building the Next Generation of Media-Savvy Professionals to Combat Fake News

In an important effort to enhance the integrity of journalism in Cameroon, Cameroon Check, in partnership with #defyhatenow, organized a two-day Fact-Checking Master Class at the University of Buea on October 29-30, 2023. This collaboration highlights the urgent need to integrate fact-checking into journalism education, equipping a new generation of media professionals to effectively combat […]

Fact Check: Increase in Tax Revenue in Cameroon

Claim: Between 2010 and 2023, the tax revenue collected in Cameroon increased from CFA 855.6 billion to CFA 2,622 billion. Verdict: Verified! Between 2010 and 2023, Cameroon’s tax revenue increased significantly from CFA 855.6 billion to CFA 2,622 billion. This increase is attributed to several factors, including the modernization and digitalization of the tax administration, […]

Fact Check: Claim on Magistrates Accused of Corruption in Cameroon

Claim: “865 out of 1,784 magistrates are accused of corruption in Cameroon.” Verdict: 897 out of 1,784 magistrates are accused of corruption in Cameroon. Context On June 27, the Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Laurent Esso, while appearing before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate, revealed details relating […]

Scam: Alleged UNESCO Job Opportunity in Canada

An A4 page document circulating on social media claims to be a job opportunity from UNESCO, specifically for a position in Ottawa, Canada. The document includes details such as a job reference number and a description of the available position.

Claim: Vaccinated People Are Now Classed As Patent Goods is False

A video recirculating the internet since 2022 asserts that the Supreme Court ruled vaccinated people are no longer human and are classed as patent goods.

Faux, Le vaccin AstraZeneca n’est pas secrètement retiré sur le marché

Dans un article du 06 mai 2024, Jon Fleetwood, auteur , Journaliste et rédacteur en chef de JonFleetwood.com  affirme que l’Union Européenne a retiré secrètement de la vente le vaccin AstraZeneca contre la covid-19, l’un des premiers vaccins mis en vente sur le marché pendant la pandémie de covid-19 suite à des dommages catastrophiques. À noter qu’en effectuant des recherches sur l’auteur  de cette publication , il est casi inexistant  sur le net…Nous avons tout de même remarqué qu’il est constamment dans la désinformation.

Not proven: The malaria vaccine is fatal for young girls

Strongly relayed on social networks since November 22, 2023, a publication by pan-Africanist activist Egounchi Behanzin indicated that the vaccine applied against malaria in Cameroon leads to the death of young girls who receive it. 

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