Shenanigans Of Journalist Martinez Zogo’s Death

Martinez Zogo

The shenanigans of journalist Martinez Zogo’s Death has a led to a streak of events possibly leading to the death of another journalist Fr. Jean Jacques.

Martinez Zogo a renown radio journalist anchoring “Embouteillage” at Amplitude FM was alleged tortured to death. He was also the station manager for the said radio station. Days after his disappearance he was discovered on a roadside bush at Soa dead with physical signs of torture. The corpse was naked and already decaying.

Martinez Zogo

Martinez was known for his unwavering quest for the truth and exposing corruption in high places in Cameroon. While there are speculations of who amongst those he has exposed could be behind this hit, circumstantial evidence in the media links to Amougou Belinga.

Martinez Zogo

Five days before his disappearance, he went on air and revealed unsettling information about Amougou Belinga. He claims he receives public contracts worth millions and also benefits from subventions from the government through his friend minister of Finance; Louis Paul Motaze. Cronyism undermines common good and the need for equal opportunities.

Radio programme Embouteillage

Martinez Zogo’s Death, Reaction From Tribes Men

After the news of the death had gone viral Eton, Manguissa, and Batchenga chiefs declared ghost town across the Lekie Division on Monday 30th of January 2023 for the morn of the journalist. They also mentioned that the corpse is rejected and should be buried at the presidents village.


A day after these chiefs were served with a convocation about the contents of the video and the potential damage to peace. Hours later the chefs wrote a letter to the President apologising for what was said.

Investigations into Martinez Zogo’s Death

The president instructed the secretary general of military defense to launch an investigation concerning the death of the Martinez. The investigations were swift. Amougou Belinga was arrested Friday 3, 2023 at 11pm and taken to SED where he reported spent the night.

His arrest came about when security camera’s picked up a private security car owned by Amougou tailing Martinez on the night he got missing. His radio broadcast stated the only way for corrupt people in power to stop him is to kill him.

Death of Rev. Fr Jean Jacques Ola Bébé

Another journalist was assassinated in Yaounde and conspiracies theories believe that it is linked to Martinez’s assissination.

He was the first journalist to raise alarm about the disappearance of Martinez on Facebook. After he was found death, he released audio recordings of his show. His death body was discovered on Saturday 4, February 2023.

The shenanigans of journalist Martinez Zogo’s Death also extends to his family where the are reports the wife has been stripped of all his properties.

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