For breaking media regulations and ethics, the national communication council NCC has issued a variety of punishments to different media organisations. On October 27, 2022, at its 36th regular session, the punishments were announced.

Voice Radio Media Organisation
NCC President Joseph Chebonkeng Kalabubse criticized “Voice Radio” for airing disrespectful and unfounded claims against Samuel Mvondo Ayolo. Mvondo Ayolo is the Director of the Civil Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic. The media outlet’s unprofessional outing occurred on the program
“La Republique en Marche, Bilan de la Renouvaucratie de son Excellence Paul Biya, President de la Republique du Cameroun,” according to the press statement.
Gilbert Baongla served as the show’s anchor on September 19, 2022. The media is on suspend for 2 months.
Equinox TV Media Organisation
Equinox TV was another media outlet under review. Mandeng Gaetan, a recent graduate of Mazars Cameroon who is now a certified public accountant. He filed a lawsuit against Ngo Julienne, a journalist with the aforementioned medium, Equinoxe TV and its management. He claims his reputation is damage among the residents of Makora (centre region). This is during the July 22, 2022, at 8pm news broadcast. The council dismissed the complaint after noting the reporter did not remark on the facts presented. The NCC found no fault with the media outlet given the cited journalist’s sense of professional prudence and distance between the information and basic journalistic opinion.

Vision 4 and L’Anecdote Media Organisations
The council reiterated its stance on the professional misconduct in the gathering and handling of information for public consumption. The abovementioned organs in the case involving the Director General of Taxation, Mopa Modeste Fatoing, against Vision 4 and L’Anecdote. They rendered the decision after noting the plaintiff’s objections related to the identical factors had previously resulted in a punishment against the aforementioned media in the Emeline Mvogo Vision 4 case.
However, the plaintiff had already filed a complaint against Vision 4 and L’Anecdote for, respectively, broadcasting and publishing in April and May 2022 of allegedly false information damaging to both his and the General Directorate of Taxation’s reputations in connection with a tax adjustment imposed on Groupe L’Anecdote.
Chebonkeng made use of the occasion to exhort all media professionals to abide by the rules and laws that the nation has established for the industry. NCC has issued a variety of punishments to different media organisations and hopes this saves as a lesson to other me
For more NCC updates check out Journal du Cameroon
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