Nationwide Fresh Strike For Teachers

The government has been failing to address teachers’ complaints for years and they have resulted in strike actions. An organization called the “On a Trop Supporté” (OTS) Movement advocates for the welfare of teachers in Cameroon. In response to the government’s inability to address teachers’ complaints, it has declared yet another strike action for its members across the nation. Along with other organizations, OTA, and SECA, OTS is in charge of organizing it.

According to a release, teachers “waited until this morning, is in vain because there is no slightest response from the government,” they added in the statement.

Faced with the situation thus created, the OTS said,

“The OTA- OTS-SECA collective calls on all teachers in Cameroon from primary to secondary schools to strike. April 18, 2023, in accordance with the strike notice filed with the Prime Minister on March 30, 2023.”

Therefore, the General Assembly has called teachers to use it and raise awareness and rally those who are reluctant to join the movement.

The OTS Movement announced the strike action as the first one since the start of this year, after series of protest and class boycott last year.

The most recent strike action had the government promise solutions to the grievances. Government stalls to provide solution to teachers’ grievances is a must read. It provides a background knowledge to the teacher’s strike action. This has drag for many years but the government tactics is pay some money and then forget about the problem.

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