Promise Tracker

Nationwide Fresh Strike For Teachers
An organization called the "On a Trop Supporté" (OTS) Movement...
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Map of Cameroon with Banjoun highlighted
Bandjoun: Teachers Continue Strike
The parents staged the protest recently. Reports hold that they...
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Sex Scandal CCAS Kumba: Suspects Arrested
One of the Vice Principals and two teachers of Cameroon College...
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CCAS Kumba sex scandal: Court Denies Bail
The bail request for the three people detained in connection...
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Green Falcons Promised Outrageous Gifts
The voice over in this video is not what the speakers are saying...
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CCAS Kumba: Alleged Sexual Harassment
Chamberlin Ntou'ou Ndong, Senoir Divisional Officer of Meme,...
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Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022: Fans Must Refrain From 8 Social Activities
The assertion that FIFA or the government of Qatar had produced...
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Teachers strike action
Government Stalls to Provide Solution to Teachers’ Grievances
On February 21, 2022, secondary and elementary school teachers...
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