Privacy Policy


Avoid uploading photos with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) if you plan to submit them to the website. Any location data from photographs on the website can be downloaded and extracted by website visitors.


You can choose whether or not to have your name, email address, and website saved in cookies whenever you leave a comment on our website. These are provided for your convenience so that you won’t have to re-enter your information each time you post a remark. The shelf life of these cookies is one year.

If you go to our login page, we’ll temporarily store a cookie to see if your browser permits them. This cookie is deleted when your browser is closed and does not contain any personal information.

We will also create a number of cookies when you log in to save your login details and screen display preferences. Screen option cookies last a year, whereas login cookies are only valid for two days. Choosing “Remember Me” will keep your login active for two weeks. The cookies for your login will be deleted after you log out of your account.

In your browser, a new cookie will be saved if you edit or publish an article. This cookie just contains the post ID of the article you just edited and contains no personal information. It runs out after a day.

Embedded content from other websites

When you log in, we will additionally create a number of cookies to preserve your login information and screen display preferences. In contrast to login cookies, which are only good for two days, screen option cookies are good for a year. Your login will be active for two weeks if you select “Remember Me”. After you log out of your account, the cookies used for your login will be removed.

If you update or publish an article, a new cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie does not contain any personal information; it only contains the post ID of the article you just changed. It expires after one day.

Who we share your data with

If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.

How long we retain your data

If you post a comment, both the comment and any associated information are kept forever. This allows us to detect and approve any subsequent comments without having to manually moderate them.

In the event that any users register on our website, we additionally retain the personal data they supply in their user profile. Except for their username, which they cannot change, all users may see, update, or remove any of their personal information at any time. Administrators of the website can also access and modify that data.

What rights you have over your data

You have the option to request to receive an exported file of the personal data we possess about you, along with any data you have given us, if you have an account on our website or have left comments. You can also ask us to delete any personal information we may have about you.

This does not apply to any information that we must maintain for administrative, legal, or security reasons.

Where your data is sent

Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service.