Building the Next Generation of Media-Savvy Professionals to Combat Fake News
In an important effort to enhance the integrity of journalism in Cameroon, Cameroon Check, in [...]
UK in Cameroon Takes Initiative to Combat Fake News, Cameroon Check Key Contributor in Workshop
The UK in Cameroon, represented by H.E. Barry Lowen, has taken a proactive step to [...]
How can Citizens Participate & Contribute to Building a Culture of Peace & Tolerance Online?
Read the article to find out how citizens can participate and contribute to building a [...]
Social Media and Youth Mental Health (MeetUP)
The Meetup was held on Thursday, September 14 at College David Lavoisier and organized by [...]
The Role of Clickbait and Sensationalism in Creating Disinformation and its Impact on Society
This project report summarizes the MeetUp that was held on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, by [...]