Combating fake news on social media

Combating fake news on social media: Fake news is news that are intentionally and verifiably false, and could mislead readers. It is not fake news until the readers believe in the misinformation i.e. successful deception. Misinformation/disinformation is dangerous because of how it is deliberately orchestrated by malicious actors and how it is reinforced by digital technologies and platforms, including social networks.

New digital platforms have unleashed innovative journalistic practices that enable novel forms of communication and greater global reach. Its often said where god goes the devil follows closely.  Fake news is accelerating and affecting the way individuals interpret daily developments. In order to combat fake news, various stake holders have a responsibility.

Fact Check Organisations

It is important to guarantee legitimization in the media through calling out fake news and disinformation by agencies. Media literacy articles, videos and flyers and fact check sheets disseminated online helps in combating fake news. Other social media platforms have inbuild correction system for example, Facebook flags information which is untrue and as a result more people are watchful to what they read.

Government Responsibility

Social responsibility is encouraged amongst independent professional journalist, agencies and citizen journalists. The general public needs reporters who help them make sense of complicated developments and deal with the ever-changing nature of social, economic, and political events. The government should be transparent at all times to avoid speculation and misinterpretation from the public. Such overly restrictive regulation could set a dangerous precedent and inadvertently encourage authoritarian regimes to weaken freedom of expression.

News Agencies

Professionalism and credibility should be the watch word for agencies. This can be built through high level journalism practice. During a time of considerable chaos and disorder, the world needs a strong and viable news media that informs citizens about current events and long-term trends.

Latest Technology

Most web developers have updated their software with inbuilt crowdsourcing and algorithms to identify fake news. There are innovations in fake news and hoax detection that are useful to media platforms. Fake news detection can be automated, and social media companies should invest in their ability to do so. Public interest algorithms can aid in identifying and publicizing fake news posts and therefore be a valuable tool to protect consumers.

Algorithms are powerful vehicles in the digital era and help shape people’s quest for information and how they find online material. They can also help with automatic hoax detection, and there are ways to identify fake news to educate readers without censoring it.

Online Ads and Trafficking

  • Online Ads and Trafficking

Most online journalist want to be the first person to publish a news story even when it is unverified because it causes traffic to their website and they keep making money. Money is at the centre of why they do what they do rather than informing people. These companies shouldn’t make money from fake news manufacturers and should make it hard to monetize hoaxes. It is important to weaken financial incentives for bad content, especially false news and disinformation, as the manufacturing of fake news is often financially motivated.

Online Accountability

Through stronger real-name policies and enforcement against fake accounts. Firms can do this through “real-name registration,” which is the requirement that internet users have to provide the hosting platform with their true identity. This makes it easier to hold individuals accountable for what they post or disseminate online and also stops people from hiding behind fake names when they make offensive comments or engage in prohibited activities.  For outsourcing check Brookings


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