Fact Check: Bedbugs in Algeria, What’s True and What’s Not?

Claim: Authorities have tightened measures at the borders to limit the spread of bedbugs in Algeria which have swept across France.

Verdict: This is verifiable but several news outlets have reported the news with exaggeration and potentially misleading readers.

Small, bloodsucking insects called bedbugs can infest homes, hotels, and public transport. As far as we know, they do not transmit any diseases, but they can irritate the skin, trigger allergic reactions, and cause psychological distress. France has recently seen a surge in bedbug cases, drawing media attention and public concern. Some of the neighbouring countries, such as Algeria and Morocco, have taken preventive measures to avoid getting bedbugs from France. However, some of the information that circulates online about this issue is inaccurate or exaggerated. In this piece, we will fact check some of the claims a post shared on social media made.

The post reads as follows

Algeria has taken measures to prevent the importation of bedbugs after their spread in France. In the country , this pest has invaded homes, public transport and hotels to the point of causing a certain anxiety among the population.
The bedbug, this little bloodsucking reddish creature, which makes the headlines of the international press, has become a subject of concern in recent days, including in Algeria, linked to France by 67 daily flights.
And to guard against any possible spread and epidemiological risks, Algeria has just taken a certain number of measures at all points of entry into the national territory.
The Ministry of Health indicated this Thursday, in a press release cited by the specialized site Destinationsmed, that it “began to activate the health vigilance system by publishing a memorandum including a set of preventive measures that must be adopted to avoid the spread or any epidemic development or any other damage resulting from harmful insects such as bedbugs which could constitute a threat to public health, at points of entry”.
These measures were taken in accordance with the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) and the missions of border health control centers, and in anticipation of the spread of any epidemiological development or other damage, according to the Ministry of Health.
Among these measures taken by Algeria to avoid the “importation” of bedbugs from France are the health control of planes, ships and land transport and their disinfection in the event of a threat noted by employees of border health control centers, strengthening epidemiological surveillance, regular maintenance and monitoring of the cleanliness of airports and ports, monitoring the disinfection of baggage and suspicious goods likely to contain harmful insects, providing travelers with information on health and maintaining close and ongoing cooperation and coordination with all sectors operating at air, sea and land points of entry.
These measures come the day after the assurances provided by the Minister of Health Abdelhak Saihi concerning the precautions taken by Algeria to deal with any possible arrival of the bedbug on its territory.
At the same time, airlines, including Air Algérie and Tassili Airlines, have also taken measures by disinfecting their aircraft.
“The Ministry of Health also emphasizes the need to strictly apply the content of its note n°24 of October 3, 2023, while ensuring that the General Directorate of Prevention and Health Promotion is informed of the restrictions which could be encountered in the implementation of the directives included in the same memorandum”, concludes the text.
Via TSA Algerie

Facts about the post

The Algerian health minister Abdelhak Saihi has stated that Algeria has not detected any bedbugs in the country and that it has activated a health vigilance system to prevent their infiltration from France. They have recently caused a lot of problems. He said that Algeria has implemented a series of preventive measures to avoid any infestation linked to harmful insects such as bedbugs. 

Algeria acts to limit bedbug spread from France

Algeria has launched a series of preventive measures to protect itself from bedbugs and other harmful insects. The country has increased the inspections and disinfection of aeroplanes, ships and land transportation that cross its borders. It has also cleaned and sanitised its airports, seaports and land entries, as well as the baggage and merchandise that may carry the insects. Moreover, it has strengthened its epidemiological monitoring and provided health information to travellers. Additionally, it has maintained close cooperation and coordination with all sectors operating at the entry points. This information was reported by RTE and MSN, among other media outlets.

Morocco, another North African country with close ties to France, has also introduced measures to limit the risk of bedbug infestation. The Moroccan health ministry “has taken all appropriate measures to limit the risk of introduction and spread of this insect on the national territory,” according to the Morocco World News MWN.

Misleading aspects of the post

Algeria is linked to France by 67 daily flights. This is an exaggeration. According to the website of Air Algérie, the national airline of Algeria, there are only 28 daily flights between the two countries. Tassili Airlines, another Algerian airline, also operates flights between France and Algeria, but not on a daily basis.

Bedbugs are a new phenomenon in Algeria. This is not true. Bedbugs have been present in Algeria for a long time, and they are not only imported from France. According to a study published in 2022 by El Hadji Ibrahima Ndiaye et al, The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of bed bug infestation in two rural areas of Senegal and determine the species present in the population. An article revealed that bedbugs are resistant to many insecticides and the reason for the resistance.

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