What We Do

What We Do

  • We build and assist a network of impartial fact-checkers across the nation and set the record straight is one of Cameroon Check’s primary objectives.

  • Every day, we combat fake news with credible and reliable information. To inform public discourse, we track significant public pronouncements, examine the best available evidence, and issue fact-checking reports. On our website, you may read our reports, spot checks, info sheets, and guidelines.

  • The complicated issue of misleading information and a lack of access to genuine information in Cameroon, however, cannot be solved by fact-checking alone. Our multifaceted strategy encourages fact-checking and makes it simple to get trustworthy information on crucial subjects.

  • Building a nationwide network of impartial fact-checkers is Cameroon Check’s top priorities. We are a team of fact-checkers who work together to combat the spread of fake or misleading information by exchanging knowledge and expertise.

  • The same objective will be served through our yearly fellowship program for journalists. It offers fellows the chance to get in-depth instruction in fact-checking, hands-on experience, and insight into managing a fact-checking organization.

  • In order to promote fact-checking research in Cameroon, enhance awareness of the benefits of fact-checking, and provide field-specific evidence-based techniques, Cameroon Check will also publish independent fact-checking research and reviews.

  • We build and assist a network of impartial fact-checkers across the nation and set the record straight is one of Cameroon Check’s primary objectives.

  • Every day, we combat fake news with credible and reliable information. To inform public discourse, we track significant public pronouncements, examine the best available evidence, and issue fact-checking reports. On our website, you may read our reports, spot checks, info sheets, and guidelines.

  • The complicated issue of misleading information and a lack of access to genuine information in Cameroon, however, cannot be solved by fact-checking alone. Our multifaceted strategy encourages fact-checking and makes it simple to get trustworthy information on crucial subjects.

  • Building a nationwide network of impartial fact-checkers is Cameroon Check’s top priorities. We are a team of fact-checkers who work together to combat the spread of fake or misleading information by exchanging knowledge and expertise.

  • The same objective will be served through our yearly fellowship program for journalists. It offers fellows the chance to get in-depth instruction in fact-checking, hands-on experience, and insight into managing a fact-checking organization.

  • In order to promote fact-checking research in Cameroon, enhance awareness of the benefits of fact-checking, and provide field-specific evidence-based techniques, Cameroon Check will also publish independent fact-checking research and reviews.