Lady Accuses Hospital, Stealing Her New Born Baby


Claim: A video circulating the internet on April 4 suggests a new born baby was stolen at Laquintinie hospital Doaula.

Verdict: Incorrect, the lady had complications due to late abortion and as a result the fetus was non-viable.

Bell EstherAurelie, the lady in question explains her baby or the placenta was never presented to her. In an attempt to inquire why, the nurse shunt her for disturbing. After several speculations of what was going on at Laquintinie hospital. The director Essomba Noel issued a press release stating the immediate measures taken and launch an investigation.

After investigations it was discovered that Aurelie suffered complications from late term abortion. After the procedure was complete a trainee discarded the remains of the baby and the placenta in the drain without permission from the midwife.

There was no “baby theft” at the Laquintinie Hospital in Douala. However, there was a lack of communication between the staff and the family. The hospital offers its sincere apologies to the family and promises to intensify communication procedures between staff and users.

On April 6, Aurelie withdrew her claims and says her baby was never stolen. This was at a press conference attended by the minister of public health Dr Manaouda Malachi. “I am leaving this place with the answers I needed. Before I had so many questions about this situation, but they have been addressed. It was a foetus and I have mourned and accepted the situation. I thank God, the staff and the administration,” Esther Aurelie said.

Other Hospital Scandals Related To Baby Theft

Laquintinie Hospital Douala is no stranger to scandals and inhumane practices. Monique Koumateke scandal in 2016 still rings in the minds of people like it just happened yesterday. Vanesa Tchatchoua’s stolen baby at Ngousso Gynaeco-obstetric hospital in Yaoundé 12 years ago.

Monique Moumatek is so far the most horrific scandal in Cameroon.

She was pregnant with twin and due for labour but because she did not have money, she was left to die at the steps of the hospital.

Her sister in an attempt to save the baby used a blade to cut open her belle. The sister had no medical knowledge and all this happened in front of the hospital.

It has been 12 years Venesa Tchatchoua has refused to give up on her baby. The link attached prior is the most recent speech she has given about her daughters in 2022.

The case with Bell Esther is unclear if truly he baby tied or yet another stolen baby whose mother recants her statement. After recanting a supporter of her was arrested for protesting against the hospital. Irrespective of what the truth is, most people are weary of government hospitals.

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