Soppy Nelly Jordanne a 17 year old commit’s suicide after an alleged stealing charges in Kribi. According to the reports the 17 year old was detained for theft. She committed suicide by throwing herself off the court house building.
People in close relationship with Nelly confirm that her mental health has not been the best since the trial. It is safe to assumed that her mental health deteriorated further hence the suicide. The decease pleaded not guilty during the first court session.
The 17 year old who commit’s suicide said;
“I am being questioned for things I have no knowledge of and I would rather prefer to take away my life”
It is rumour that she jumped from the top floor of the courthouse and gave the ghost before security forces could come to her rescue. We could not independently confirm this because eye witnesses are tight lipped about the incident.
According to the World Global Health Estimates, the tendency for people to commit suicide in Cameroon is 19.5 per 100,000 inhabitants. The organisation had ranked Cameroon among the top ten African countries to have registered a high rate of suicide in the years 2000, 2016 and 2019. Cameroon ranks fifth according to the report.
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